Dental Crowns - Dentistry

Affordable Dental Crowns Abroad

Dental Crowns Treatment Abroad

Dental Crowns Treatment Abroad


Dental crowns can literally save your teeth. Dental crowns are also known as caps and are designed to protect as well as restore full use of teeth that had been damaged by cracks, decay and neglected oral care. In its most basic description, dental crowns are caps designed to mimic or copy the shape of the tooth under repair in order to provide a solid covering over the damage to area a multitude of options are available today, and dental crowns can be fitted and created to identically match existing teeth for a more realistic and self-confident smile.

Crowns are custom fitted over a tooth that has been decayed, broken, or chipped. Usually made of porcelain or acrylic, they can be fused to metal and slipped and glued over broken or damaged teeth. Crowns may also fill in the spaces between teeth.


Crown Insertion Procedure

After carefully examining the teeth and taking x-rays as well as utilizing technology enhancing manufacturing and computer aided design, known as CED/CAM technology, the dentist will be able to prepare the cracked or damaged tooth and create an impression of your teeth. The impression, most commonly utilizing a pliable substance, is then sent to a dental laboratory where a dental design technician will create the crown. While waiting, a temporary crown will most likely be fitted over the tooth to provide additional protection against further damage. The completed crown is typically bonded to the damage to through a variety of adhesives or cements.


Crowns are typically made from a choice of three materials:

  • Gold - Gold crowns used to be quite popular, though their use has diminished in recent years. Nevertheless, for individuals with extremely strong byte patterns, or for large teeth at the back of the mouth such as the molars, gold is an exceptionally durable and strong substance that offers superlative protection to a tooth that is not highly visible.
  • All porcelain or all ceramic - These crowns are the most popular today, and are made of voluminous materials or zirconia. This type of crown, because it does not need a metal center, is lighter, more realistic looking, and has a better appearance.
  • Porcelain fused to metal -This type of crown is strong, design with a porcelain over a metal core structure. However, consumers should know that the edges of the metal core may show at the gum line. When considering this type of crown, discussed porcelain fused to metal crown options with your dentist.

Individuals will have the option to choose which materials to utilize, in conjunction with advice from the dentist regarding strength, durability, and location of the crown.


Benefits of Dental Crowns Treatment
Who Benefits from Dental Crowns?

Anyone suffering from damaged, cracked or diseased teeth may benefit from dental crowns that not only offer enhanced appearance, which in turn leads to enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem, but may also prevent further damage to the tooth in question as well as the surrounding teeth. Restoring chewing function, speech, and swallowing is as important as offering patient a wonderful smile.


How Much Do Crowns Cost?

Cosmetic dentistry can be expensive, depending on the procedure. In the United States for example, crowns may cost anywhere from $800-$1,000 per tooth.  Costs may or may not be covered by dental insurance plans in the U.S. However, dental professionals and clinics in South America, Hungary, and Asia offer the same services for quite a bit less. For example, dental porcelain or metal crowns or bridges cost only $125 to $300 each. Travelers to Argentina can save up to 70% on dental procedures.


Who Provides Cosmetic Dentistry Services?

The cosmetic dentist you select should have basic credentials as well as experience in the procedure you are looking for. Finding a highly skilled cosmetic dentist may take a little bit of effort but will pay off in the long run. Your dentist should be licensed through a state or national licensing board. Find out where they completed their dental training. Do they belong to American or International dental associations or organizations?

Cosmetic dental patients should be able to view and understand their treatment plan as well as all the costs and recommendations that are necessary and included for a specific procedure. Those undergoing orthodontic treatment should be seen by a certified orthodontist, a dentist who has completed two to three years of additional study in the field of orthodontics.

Do you want to learn about other dentistry treatments? Check out the following links

  • Dental implants
  • Dental Crowns
  • Cosmetic Dentistry


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By: PlacidWay,

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