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Single Dental Implant Package in Antalya, Turkey

Package price starting from: $380
Treatment: Dentistry, Dental Implants
, Turkey
Focus Area: Single-tooth implant in Antalya, Turkey | Single-tooth implant Package | Dental Implant Cost

Single-tooth implant in Antalya, Turkey, Single-tooth implant Package, Dental Implant Cost

Single Dental Implant Turkey Antalya

Single Dental Implant Turkey, Antalya

A single dental implant Turkey is for people who have one or more missing teeth. The dentist surgically places an implant in the opening made in the jawbone. The implant goes about as another root for the crown after it incorporates (joins) to the teeth bone that will supplant the missing tooth. Finally, a dental cap or crown, generally made to look like a natural tooth, is attached to the implant and it subsequently fills the space left in the mouth by the missing tooth.

The single dental implant turkey requires enough bone in the jaw. As a matter of fact, the bone needs to be strong enough to hold and support the implant. In case there is not enough bone, bone augmentation or bone grafting is done prior to the implant. Additionally, natural teeth and supporting tissues near the implant requires being in good health to support the implant.

Top dental clinics in Antalya, Turkey provide excellent dental care services maintaining hygiene and affordability. They are now offering the best Single-tooth Implant package by highly qualified and experienced dentists. They assure you of the best facilities and technologies available for this treatment.

Single Dental Implant Cost Turkey, Antalya

The estimated cost of a single dental implant in Antalya, Turkey starts from $380. The same procedure cost in the US is around $2,700.

Single Dental Implant cost Turkey Antalya

Cost Comparison of Single Dental Implant with the US and Canada


Procedure Average cost

Antalya, Turkey

Single Dental Implant $380

United States

Single Dental Implant $2,700


Single Dental Implant $3,000

Single Dental Implant Procedure

Dental Implant Procedure Abroad is generally a 2-3 stages cycle and it requires 2 outings to the medical tourism destination picked. 

In the standard dental implant methodology, and as this is an out-patient technique, neighborhood sedation is normally sufficient. During the methodology, little openings are bored into the jaw site where a tooth has been lost or taken out to implant a titanium screw that will hold the dental implant set up.

This opening will be gradually and painstakingly developed to permit the implants to be embedded. The implant site is permitted to recuperate before the new fake tooth is appended. This system might take from three to a half years to mend. After that time frame, your dental specialist will finish the technique by putting a crown rebuilding. The mending system will rely upon many factors, for example, your jawbone design, age, and general oral wellbeing.

Single Dental Implant Turkey Before and After

Single Dental Implant Turkey Before and After

Before and After Dental Implant

Benefits of Single Dental Implant in Antalya, Turkey

  • Single-implants are able to be placed without affecting the neighboring teeth
  • It restores a better-than-ever smile with no effect on any of the other teeth
  • Natural appearance
  • Best dental correction to a single lost tooth
  • As the single-dental implant replaces the root of the tooth, the underlying bone is preserved better
  • Single-implant integrates with the rest of the jawbone, and thus, it remains intact, well-supported, and healthy
  • The single-dental implant offers the benefit of maintaining the integrity of the dental and jaw structure
  • With single-dental implants, the surrounding gums do not recede or expose the metal base or collar
  • Single implants are easier to keep clean
  • It provides a better overall appearance than a bridge
  • Affordable price
  • Best dental surgeons in Antalya, Turkey

Top 5 Clinics for Single Dental Implant Turkey, Antalya

Atalya Dental Clinic

Atalya Dental Clinic Turkey

Cerrahi Group Dental Clinic

Cerrahi Group Dental Clinic Turkey

Denart Turkey Dental Centre

Denart Turkey Dental Centre

Side Smile Dental Clinic

Side Smile Dental Clinic Turkey

Medworld Clinic

med world

Complexity Level: Low

Length to Stay: Treatment duration is 1 hour. Stay at the hospital is not required. However, you need 5 days to stay in Turkey for post-operative follow-up.


The duration may vary depending upon the condition of the patient and the chosen procedure of treatment.


  • Regular controls after the procedure                                                                                 
  • First medications                                                                           
  • Lifelong warranty                                                                         


  • Preoperative lab work
  • Airfare

List of Required Pre-Op Tests

  • Dental X-rays and 3D imaging
  • Ascertain heart conditions or orthopedic implants
  • Complete blood count
  • Common urine analysis
  • Blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, AIDS, blood group, hormone levels for women, clotting, and Rh factor
  • Eliminate the presence of osteoporosis and other metabolic diseases


The laboratory tests are done at least 7-10 days prior to the procedure. The particular tests are prescribed after a complete physical evaluation of the patient.

Questions to Ask Before Single Dental Implant turkey

Questions to Ask Before Single Dental Implant turkey

  • Is the implant dentist Board Certified in their forte? 

Not all dentists performing implant strategies are similarly prepared. Verify that your expert has the most developed preparation and experience to give the treatment you require. Board affirmation in one's forte is a generally recognized norm of greatness that you can depend upon.

  • Has the implant expert stayed aware of the most recent technology? 

An extensive finding and treatment plan are fundamental. What courses have the expert taken as of late? Indeed, even experts can become corroded or fall behind on their preparation. Appropriate restoration courses are important to welcome a dentist state-of-the-art on new methods and innovation.

  • How much experience does the doctor have placing implants?

It is important to select a provider who has a great deal of experience to ensure efficient, quality care and a successful outcome.

  • How current is the technology they use? 

Numerous dentists don't utilize first-in-class implants with a demonstrated history and distributed examinations supporting a demonstrated degree of progress and consistency. A little examination on your part will teach you the best implants.

  • Would you be able to see before and after photographs? 

Seeing finished cases can furnish you with the significant serenity you look for.

  • Are there tributes and references from different patients that you can audit? 

Besides the pictures of the completed items, discover what other patients' encounters have been with this supplier.

Frequently Asked Questions about Single Dental Implant turkey

Frequently Asked Questions about Single Dental Implant turkey

  • What Are Dental Implants? 

Dental implants are little metal posts that are precisely situated in your jawbone beneath the gum line to give you another tooth root that will uphold a custom reclamation. 

  • What Are Dental Implants Made Of? 

Usually, dental implants are made of titanium, a biocompatible metal that is utilized in other usable techniques like knee and hip substitution. For patients with metal hypersensitivities or sensitivities, there are additionally implants made of zirconia.

  • What number of Implants Do I Need? 

That all relies upon the number of teeth that should be supplanted and their area. On the off chance that you are missing one tooth or two back-to-back teeth, a solitary implant is typically adequate to help a couple of dental crowns. For quite a long time teeth, we'll design a proper extension that will be upheld by two implants at the two closures. At last, for patients that missing a few teeth or even each of the teeth along a curve, three to six dental implants will be important to help a dental replacement.

  • How Long Can Dental Implants Last? 

Dental implants might cost all the more at first, however not at all like other tooth substitution choices, they can endure forever. Adhere to a severe oral cleanliness routine at home and go to ordinary dental tests, so your dentist can guarantee the honesty of your implants.

  • What is the Success Rate for Dental Implants? 

Dental implants partake in a 98 percent achievement rate. Deal with your implants and they will give you long stretches of grins!

  • How frequently do dental implants turn out badly? 

Dental implants have a high achievement rate, however certain individuals experience dental implant disappointment. It's assessed that around 5 to 10 percent of dental implants fizzle, either not long after a strategy or months or a long time later.

Why Choose Antalya, Turkey?

We bring the best clinic in Antalya that provides end-to-end support, the best treatment plans, the best doctors, and the best ambiance for the treatment. It also offers comprehensive holiday packages with medical solutions for the patients to enjoy their holiday while they get treated.

For more information on Single-tooth implants in Antalya, Turkey, click the button below!

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