Facelift Package in Merida, Mexico by Medina Flores thumbnail

Facelift Package in Merida, Mexico by Medina Flores

Package price starting from: $6500
Treatment: Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery, Face Lift
Associated Center: Medina Flores Plastic Surgery
Anexo CMA Consultorio 14. Calle 54 #365 Col. Centro. Merida Yucatan, Mexico, Mexico
Focus Area: Medina Flores Plastic Surgery | Merida | Mexico | Facelift Surgery

Enhance Your Beauty with Facelift in Merida, Mexico

Facelift Package in Merida, Mexico by Medina Flores

Table of Content

• Cost • Inclusions • Exclusions  • Benefits

• Doctor • Process • FAQs  • How to Book

Are you seeking a transformative journey towards a more youthful appearance? Look no further! Discover the remarkable Facelift Package in Merida, Mexico, offered by the esteemed surgeon, Medina Flores. In this package details, we will walk you through the various advantages of choosing this treatment, an overview of the procedures involved, package inclusions and exclusions, pre-op tests, and how to determine if this treatment is right for you. Get ready to unveil a rejuvenated version of yourself as we explore this exceptional cosmetic option.

Cost of Facelift in Merida, Mexico

You can get facelift package in Merida, Mexico by Medina Flores with the price starts at $6,500. Check our price list table below to learn more:

City, Country

Cost in USD

Merida, Mexico


United States




Note: price may change and vary depends on complexity of procedures and patient conditions. Click free quote button below to learn more.

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Advantages of Choosing Facelift in Merida, Mexico

  • Affordable Transformation: The Facelift Package in Merida costs just $6,500, significantly more cost-effective compared to many other countries, making it a budget-friendly option.
  • Expertise of Medina Flores: Dr. Medina Flores is a highly skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon, renowned for delivering natural-looking facelift results that exceed expectations.
  • Medical Tourism Hub: Merida boasts state-of-the-art medical facilities and a thriving medical tourism industry, assuring you receive world-class care amidst a stunning cultural backdrop.
  • Short Recovery Time: The facelift procedure in Merida offers a relatively swift recovery period, allowing you to return to your regular activities sooner.
  • Blend of Vacation and Treatment: Take advantage of Merida's beauty by combining your facelift journey with a delightful vacation, exploring its rich history and picturesque landscapes.

Before and After Results of Facelift Surgery in Merida, Mexico at Medina Flores

Witness the transformative power of the facelift package through captivating before and after images, showcasing the impressive results achieved by Dr. Medina Flores. These visuals will leave you inspired and confident about your decision to embark on this rejuvenation journey.

Facelift Before After in Merida, Mexico by Medina Flores

Learn More about Facelift Surgery Procedures

The facelift procedure involves the skillful tightening of facial muscles and removal of excess skin, resulting in a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Under the expert hands of Dr. Medina Flores, you can rest assured that the process will be tailored to your specific needs, delivering natural-looking outcomes.

Facelift Package Inclusions

  • Medical fees, hospital expenses, preop laboratories, preop assessment, girdles, 1 night in the hospital.
  • Initial Consultation: Dr. Medina Flores will thoroughly assess your needs, discuss your expectations, and craft a personalized treatment plan during your first consultation.
  • Facelift Surgery: The main component of the package is the facelift procedure, where Dr. Medina Flores will meticulously perform the surgery to achieve optimal results.
  • Accommodation: Enjoy a comfortable stay in top-notch accommodations, providing a relaxing environment to recover and rejuvenate.
  • Transportation: We offer convenient airport transfers and transportation to medical appointments, easing your travel worries.

Facelift Package Exclusions

  • Post-op medications and post-op massages.
  • Travel Costs: While the package includes transportation within Merida, any international or domestic travel expenses are not covered.
  • Additional Treatments: If you wish to include supplementary treatments or procedures, they will be considered separate from the facelift package.
  • Medication Costs: The cost of medications and post-operative supplies will be an additional expense.
  • Personal Expenses: Expenses such as meals, entertainment, and personal shopping are not included in the package.
  • Complications Management: Although rare, any additional treatment required to address complications is not covered.

Facelift Surgery Pre-Op Tests

  • Physical Examination: A comprehensive physical examination will be conducted to assess your overall health and suitability for the facelift procedure.
  • Blood Tests: Routine blood tests will be performed to ensure you are in good health for the surgery.
  • Medical History Review: Dr. Medina Flores will go through your medical history to identify any potential risks or contraindications.
  • Skin Evaluation: An evaluation of your skin will be done to determine the best approach for your facelift.
  • Anesthesia Consultation: If necessary, an anesthesia consultation will be conducted to determine the appropriate anesthesia method for your comfort.

Facelift Surgeon in Merida, Mexico

Dr. Medina Flores, a highly skilled and reputable cosmetic surgeon, has an exceptional track record of delivering successful facelift results. His expertise, attention to detail, and dedication to patient satisfaction make him the perfect choice for your facelift journey.

Plastic Surgeon in Merida, Mexico for Facelift Surgery

Dr. Gilberto Medina Flores

Dr. Gilberto Medina Flores

• Plastic surgeon, aesthetic and reconstructive

• Specialty in Craniofacial Surgery

• Certified Plastic Surgeon 1978

• Ced. Prof. 6240072 UNIMAYAB

• Ced. Specialty 10554897 UDG

• Advertising Notice: N 223301202A0119

Is Facelift Surgery Right for You?

  • Age Consideration: Ideal candidates are generally between 40 to 70 years old but may vary based on individual factors.
  • Skin Elasticity: Good skin elasticity enhances the results, but Dr. Medina Flores can guide you on the best approach regardless of your skin type.
  • Realistic Expectations: Understanding realistic outcomes and discussing expectations with Dr. Medina Flores is crucial for a satisfying experience.
  • Overall Health: Candidates should be in good overall health to undergo the procedure safely.
  • Consultation: Schedule a consultation with Dr. Medina Flores to determine if the facelift package aligns with your specific cosmetic goals.

What to Expect During the Facelift in Merida, Mexico

  • Initial Consultation: Discuss your goals and expectations with Dr. Medina Flores, and receive personalized treatment recommendations.
  • Surgery Day: Undergo the facelift procedure in a state-of-the-art facility, ensuring your safety and comfort throughout.
  • Recovery: Allow your body to heal and recover while enjoying a serene environment in beautiful Merida.
  • Post-Op Follow-up: Benefit from thorough post-operative care and guidance to maximize your results.
  • Embrace Your New Look: Embrace your rejuvenated appearance and return home with newfound confidence.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. FAQ: How long does the facelift procedure typically take?

Answer: The duration of a facelift procedure in Merida, Mexico, usually ranges from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the complexity of the surgery and individual needs.

2. FAQ: What is the expected recovery time after a facelift in Merida?

Answer: Most patients can expect a recovery period of about 1 to 2 weeks following their facelift in Merida. However, individual healing rates may vary.

3. FAQ: Are there any significant risks associated with facelift surgery?

Answer: While facelift procedures are generally safe, as with any surgery, there are potential risks, such as infection, scarring, and temporary numbness. Dr. Medina Flores will address these risks during your consultation.

4. FAQ: Can I combine other cosmetic treatments with my facelift in Merida?

Answer: Yes, you can combine additional cosmetic procedures like eyelid surgery or dermal fillers with your facelift for a more comprehensive rejuvenation. Dr. Medina Flores will advise you on the best approach.

5. FAQ: How long will the results of my facelift last?

Answer: Facelift results are long-lasting, and while the aging process will continue, the procedure can provide you with a rejuvenated appearance that can last up to 10 years or more. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also contribute to prolonging the results.

Get FREE QUOTE for Facelift in Merida, Mexico at PlacidWay!

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Book your consultation now through PlacidWay Medical Tourism and explore the possibilities of a youthful and radiant you! Don't miss this chance to enhance your beauty and experience the world-class facelift package in Merida, Mexico.

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