Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture Package by Medica Siluet in Tijuana, Mexico thumbnail

Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture Package by Medica Siluet in Tijuana, Mexico

Package price starting from: $2100
Associated Center: Medica Siluet
Calle Cristobal colon #930 col. Centro Codigo postal 22000, Tijuana, Mexico, Mexico
Focus Area: Medica Siluet | Tijuana | Mexico | Mini Tummy Tuck | Liposculpture

Low Cost Tummy Tuck & Liposculpture in Tijuana, Mexico

Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture Package by Medica Siluet in Tijuana, Mexico

Table of Content

• Cost  • Advantages  • Inclusions • Exclusions  

• Doctors • Why Mexico  • FAQs  • How to Book

If you want to feel more confident and get your dream body, consider the Medica Siluet Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture Package in Tijuana, Mexico. Medica Siluet has experienced surgeons and top-notch facilities. This package includes two effective treatments to improve your body shape. For more information, take a look at our package details below.

Cost of Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture in Tijuana, Mexico

You can get mini tummy tuck and liposculpture package by Medica Siluet in Tijuana, Mexico with the price starts at $2,100. Check our price list table below to learn more:

City, Country

Cost in USD

Tijuana, Mexico


United States




Note: price may change and vary depends on complexity of procedures and patient conditions. Click free quote button below for more information:

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Advantages of Choosing Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture in Tijuana, Mexico

  1. Affordable Cost: Tijuana, Mexico, is renowned for providing high-quality medical procedures at a fraction of the cost compared to other countries. By choosing Medica Siluet's package, you can achieve your desired body transformation without breaking the bank.
  2. Experienced Surgeons: Medica Siluet boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced surgeons who specialize in tummy tuck and liposculpture procedures. Their expertise, coupled with state-of-the-art facilities, ensures safe and satisfactory outcomes for each patient.
  3. Convenient Location: Tijuana is conveniently located near the United States-Mexico border, making it easily accessible for patients from both countries. With its proximity to major transportation hubs, you can save time and travel expenses.
  4. Short Recovery Time: The mini tummy tuck and liposculpture package offered by Medica Siluet are designed to minimize downtime and speed up recovery. This means you can get back to your regular activities sooner and enjoy the results of your transformation.
  5. Comprehensive Care: Medica Siluet provides comprehensive care throughout your treatment journey. From the initial consultation to post-operative follow-ups, their dedicated team ensures that you receive personalized attention and support at every step.

Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture Package Inclusions

  • Surgeon Fee
  • Anesthesia Fee
  • Operating Room
  • Nursing Care
  • 1 night in the hospital
  • 4 post operative follow ups

Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture Package Exclusions

  • Airfare
  • Hotel/Accommodations
  • Post op medications
  • Garment
  • Pre laboratories tests
  • Cardiologist

Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture Surgery Pre-Operative Tests

  • Blood Tests: Blood tests help assess your overall health, check for any underlying medical conditions, and ensure your candidacy for the surgery.
  • EKG: An electrocardiogram (EKG) evaluates your heart's electrical activity and helps determine if you are physically fit for the procedure.
  • X-Rays: X-rays may be required to evaluate the condition of your bones and identify any potential concerns before the surgery.
  • Medical History Evaluation: A comprehensive evaluation of your medical history helps the surgeons understand any pre-existing conditions that may affect your surgery or recovery.
  • Physical Examination: A physical examination allows the medical team to assess your current physical condition and plan the procedure accordingly.

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Top Plastic Surgeon in Tijuana, Mexico for Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture

Dr. Enrique Pantaleon, a top plastic surgeon in Tijuana, Mexico, specializes in performing mini tummy tuck and liposculpture procedures. He began his medical studies at UNAM and completed his degree in 1986, followed by a specialty in gynecology and oncology from 1987 to 1992. In 2012 to 2014, he pursued a postgraduate course in cosmetic surgery, further enhancing his expertise in the field.

Plastic Surgeon in Tijuana, Mexico for Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture

Dr. Enrique Pantaleon

Dr. Enrique Pantaleon

• Begin his medical studies at UNAM and thus finish his degree in 1986.

• In 1987 he began the specialty of gynecology and oncology ending in 1992

• Later in the year 2012 to 2014 she completed a postgraduate course in cosmetic surgery

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Why Choose the Mini Tummy Tuck and Liposculpture Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico?

Choosing the mini tummy tuck and liposculpture package in Tijuana, Mexico, offers numerous benefits. Not only does it provide access to highly skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities, but it also allows you to save significantly on costs. Additionally, the convenient location and short recovery time make Tijuana an attractive destination for individuals seeking body transformation procedures. By selecting Medica Siluet for your treatment, you can expect personalized care, outstanding results, and a supportive medical team to guide you throughout your journey.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How long does the recovery process typically take?

The recovery time for a mini tummy tuck and liposculpture varies from person to person. Generally, patients can expect a recovery period of around 2-4 weeks, during which they should follow post-operative instructions provided by their surgeon.

Are the results of the procedure permanent?

The results of a mini tummy tuck and liposculpture can be long-lasting. However, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet to sustain the results over time.

What are the risks and complications associated with these procedures?

Like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications involved. These can include infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in sensation, and asymmetry. It is crucial to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon to minimize the risks.

Will I have visible scars after the procedure?

While it is normal to have some scarring, skilled surgeons take great care to place incisions in discreet locations. With proper post-operative care, the scars will fade over time and become less noticeable.

Can I combine a mini tummy tuck and liposculpture with other procedures?

Yes, it is possible to combine a mini tummy tuck and liposculpture with other procedures, such as breast augmentation or a Brazilian butt lift. This can be discussed during your consultation with the surgeon to determine the best approach for your desired results.

Request a Consultation Today!

Ready to embark on your transformation journey? Contact PlacidWay Medical Tourism to book your consultation at Medica Siluet and learn more about the mini tummy tuck and liposculpture package in Tijuana, Mexico. Take the first step towards achieving the body you desire and regain your confidence with the help of experienced professionals in a renowned medical destination.

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